What Pride Month means to me as a dweeby CIS Indian male

Pride Month is a barometer to judge if our friends, family and colleagues are safe in our communities. The backsliding on their rights in 2023 is deeply unfortunate.

Neel Dozome
5 min readJun 18, 2023
A picture of computing legend Alan turing with a multi-coloured pride flag transparency.
The persecution that men like Alan Turing were subjected to must never happen again.

In May, 2023, Uganda made homosexuality a crime punishable by death.

Uganda’s terrible law is a gruesome reminder of the fact that the LGBTQIA+ are continuing to be specifically singled out, disrespected, and dehumanised because of their sexuality. This is not a matter of closed history.

In June, the Pride festival is celebrated so that businesses can express support for the LGBTQIA+ community, their workers and customers. However, what was an uncontroversial and positive annual event is increasingly becoming the subject of misinformation. There is an uptick of negativity and disgust being openly expressed against gay people and this should make us all uneasy. It should be kept in mind that countries like Russia, Hungary and Polad are eager to differentiate themselves by showing respect for gay people as a sign of civilisational degeneracy of the West.

For instance, and reflecting the necessity of challenging a rising tide of intolerance, Medium Staff published a story emphasising that Medium is a…



Neel Dozome

I am a London (UK) based blogger interested in graphic culture and technology with a particular focus on type design and UX/GameDev.